Sunday, March 4, 2012


As most of you probably know... Drew and I are Expecting! We couldn't be happier! I took a Pregnancy test on December 31st 2011 and we got the good GREAT news! {Happy New Year!}

After that, we pretty much kept it our little secret until the end of January when my Mom's birthday came along. We were asking her about how her birthday went and what she got for it. Then I told her that Drew and I got her a present too... but it wouldn't be here until September! To say she was excited would be an understatement. Both families couldn't be more excited for us. We are so blessed to have families who show us so much love and support.

A few days after spilling the beans to both sides of the family we had our first ultrasound! I honestly couldn't believe I actually had a little human {looked more like a gummy bear} growing inside of me. It all seemed so surreal! It still does a little bit...
Our cute gummy bear

 The Doctor said our little gummy bear is absolutely perfect! It was such a cool day to go and see our baby moving around. I'm a momma! :)

About 4 weeks later we went to another appointment and we were able to hear our sweet baby's heartbeat! I don't even know how to describe how incredible it was to know our little one has a heartbeat! He/She is alive and cookin!

I have had a fairly easy pregnancy so far. I have only actually gotten sick a few times and I only feel nauseous if I  don't have enough food in my belly. {this baby likes food!} The only difficult thing so far is NO food looks good. So i don't want to eat, which makes me feel sick and it is a never ending cycle. As long as I force myself to eat, I do ok. Don't get me wrong, Everything about this pregnancy is totally worth it! (Even if it means becoming a huge blueberry when I am not even 14 weeks along!)...
13.5 Weeks

13.5 Weeks!
13.5 Weeks!

And that pretty much brings us up to date! As i get further along, I will be sure to post more pictures and tell more stories. Drew and I are so grateful for this time in our lives. We look forward to when our sweet baby (girl OR boy) comes and we can cuddle them in our arms. We can't wait to be parents!


  1. Its so much fun! I wasn't a fan of the pregnancy process, but finally holding your baby is priceless! I couldn't be more happy for you guys! Congratulations!!

  2. You are going to be the best momma ever! I am so excited to be an honorary aunt! :)


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